Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring :)


"h0w d0 u find the quES?..IS IT 0K?.."

pg td kol 10 aku de speaking test..aku 1 grup ngn ayu,eba n abil..
alhamdulillah pyakit gmuruh aku krg dis tyme..
mgkin da mkin bsar ni,mkin krg r kot..
but smpi je kt blik exm..
nmpk lak mke stress pn mary..
pe lg..tgn pn mle tketar2..hu3..
nsib bek r soaln speaking test yg grup aku dpt 2 x bpe nk ssh sgt..
nk kte sng x gk..
1st dpt soaln 2 agk blur..
nsb x kering idea..kalo x mampos aku..
agk best r debat2 ngn dorg ni..
da abs je 20mnit kte0rg bebel2..soal mnyoal..gado2..kiteorg pn wt cnclusion ngn bek skali wt ptame kalinye..ahakz..
kalo sblm ni practice asyk fail je wt cnclusi0n..hu3..
tetbe sblm ch0w..mdm mary tnye.."h0w d0 u find the quES?..IS IT 0K?.."..ish3..
de ke pt0t tnye soaln 2..nk je jwb.."msti la ssh.." kami ni dak bek jwb je la.."OK"..hua3..

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