Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring :)


luahan hati..diary utk 4 hari di EASB

5 JUL ye..aku mmg kje sini utk jd operator pun..arini,satu ari aku kena kol la,juruukur la,auditor la,accountant la..adoyai..bek jd operator je,operator yg dibayar gaji tggi la..HAHA..demand plak tu.penat sebenarnye kol2 org ni.kalo yg dpt respons yg bek tu ok kalo dpt respons yg mcm tuttt tu mula la rase nk nek hangin.yela kite kol ngn niat yg bek,kena la lyn kite ngn bek,nk wt cmne.trime je la.pasni,akan de sorg employee dr dept aku ni,jesslyn, akn berhenti kje sbb dpt offer lg bek dr tmpt len..da siap bg notis 2bln.mknenye bln 9 la die quit..hurm..dorg xtau ,aku pn bakal cabut dr situ..mmg lbey krg tym jesslyn berhenti kje..ok2..bakal de dua kkosongan kt EASB t..mari2,sape nk kje.HAHA..promote plak kn..


Booooooooosannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn nye xde BB..da la kt ofis ni ssh nk online.kena main hide n seek baru ley online..sangat menyeksakan..kalo de BB bole jgk update2 status,tweet, haa hp canggih sgt.smpi screen x bercolour,ringtone pn bkn polyphonic..cehh…kesian kn..xpe2,sabar sabar.simpan dwet gaji..walaupun sbenarnye da mmpu nk bli satu hp baru,tp nk jimat crmat dulu.bia dwet tu panas dlm bank..HAHA.n arini,tension lg.kalo uollzz sume tgk muke I arini,uollzz pn x selera.muke ketat je satu hari.penat n tertekan!kate accountant tp last2 sbuk pasal property.huh FED UP!!!!


WOHOOOO..harini sangat la havoc.nasib la migrain xdtg mnyerang.sebab bile badan da rase cam x berapa sihat je,aku akan rehat2 jp n merayau tempat la,kalo terlampau focus sgt pn then smpi badan sakit2,otot sengal2,saraf pun sampai x betol, wtpe kn.membahayakn kesihatan.jd,utk mngelak itu sume,moh bergosip ngn rakan sepjabat!HAHA.arini mmg aku ngadap UBS je.sbb nk key in stock.pasni nk key in cash sales pulak..sebab aku bru dipertanggungjawabkn utk jage full set of account utk outlet baru di Kajang..kire this is also my baby la sebab aku kne monitor all sales,payments n whatsoever utk outlet ni..responsible yg agk berat utk org yg cuma bakal bekerja selama 3 bulan tp ini la experience kn.Ley blaja gune UBS(sbb tyme stdy x amik pn kursus UBS..huhu) then sambil tu aku pn ley blaja selok belok account.

De jgk la yg ckp ngn aku,y nk kje terok2 tyme cuti ni..rehat2 la skit.xde pn kje kt tmpt yg x memberikan stress yg tggi..well,mgkin de betol nye ckp korg tu tp pe slhnye kn nk dpt pengalaman lbey skit dr one of the boss pernah ckp kt aku aritu,”siti,u may not feel the experience u get here from other place”. Hurmm..maybe experience yg aku dpt kt sini bole mmbantu aku jd lbey matang n know deeper about the course that I took.masok degree t,mane tau bole gune experience yg dpt kt sini.mane tau bole gk tlg bakal mmbe2 sekelas kt SI t..HEHE.

Well, de contra nye jgk la.aku kurang rehat,malah bertambah stress n depress.n kje plak dr pg smpi ke ptg.smpi sabtu pn kje(nasib la separuh hari je)…so,xde mase nk melihat dunia..xde mase yg ckup nk spend ngn family..xde mase nk spend utk dri sendiri,manjakan dri..shopinkkkk…huh..rindu nk jln2 kl n shopink,sight-seeing..baru je rase nk kua weekend ni,de plak la perhimpunan haram la,bersih la..huh…ptg je tau!

But overall masih hepy berada di sini. N hepy bile org tsyg sentiasa ingt sy..hpy bile family bangga ngn kite n hepy bile mampu cabar diri utk wt something yg luar dr safe zone ..

p/s:sabtu ni mcm nk ponteng la..takut!!HAHA


Makan ,makan n makan..bile kje ingatkn x lalu nk makan tp lg kuat mkn..even ngh kt ofis pn sempat je lagi mulut n ink je keropok la,biskut la,asam la,gula2 symptom ni bkn aku je yg alami..satu dept pn same.even head aku,miss michelle pn cmtu..haha..bagos la tu..hurmm..nek la bdn sy nmpknye..

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